Thursday, 23 July 2015

A little update

(Before you read on, I apologize for the lack of photos in this post. Also, spoiler alert.)

Hmm so I haven't been posting much lately and by that, I mean, not at all. I guess I'm not someone who can stick to updating something regularly, and it shows in how I play my games too. For that, I really mean that I'm the kind of person who would keep my Neopet healthy and bloated for a few days, then not visit for 3 years before repeating the cycle. Which is why my town (Animal Crossing) is still undeveloped...

Okay well, the main reason why I haven't been posting is because I haven't had much to post about. (Ishtaria isn't very exciting, not getting units you want is very demoralizing and puts you off. TsumTsum is cute but repetitive, not much to post there, except that I'm trying to collect all the Tsums I can. Same goes for LINE Play. Not much comments on Alphabear but ugh it's so hard to get past Chapter 4. Dota is same-old, not much besides the reborn update which is still in beta and I didn't fully explore it yet cuz it's really buggy for me.)

After all that long-winded paragraph on games I have little content to talk about, you must be wondering what content I have for this post.