Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Age of Ishtaria - First impressions

Okay so I just downloaded a new mobile-ge titled Age of Ishtaria by Silicon Studio. It doesn't appear to be a very old game, having only been localized at the end of last year. I have quite high hopes because of px's recommendation after the demise of AGG; I need more games to occupy my free time! haha

Anyway, on to the game!

I did have quite some difficulty deciding which version of the game to download, since I have some knowledge of Japanese. In my experience, games of original developers or servers tend to sport much better offers and upkeep, but I guess in the end I do prefer English wherever possible, especially if there's going to be player interaction involved. (Nothing's worse than joining a boss raid with Japanese randoms you meet online and screwing up because you couldn't understand their bloody kanji instructions ;_;)

Surprisingly, the app was quite tiny and downloaded in no time at all! EDIT: It appears that data is downloaded as you progress through the game. I really hope this doesn't cause my data charges to rocket through the roof...

And straightaway we are introduced to the titular characters all chibi-fied and pretty cute. I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but I do appreciate the skip button so considerately placed on the top-right. Not that I would use it, yet.

The spritezy one on the left is Salix (I had to check her name a few times cause I kept remembering it as Salik) and the one on the right is the lovely bishoujo Meru. Honestly, I prefer Meru over Salix any day, and I do wonder why they didn't use Meru as the game's icon. I mean, Salix is cute and all but she is a pretty annoying character. After tripping over your dead body she promptly decides to slice you up, until she realizes you're alive, of course, then she wants to beat you awake instead. She probably also has a princess complex or something, naming you her loyal subject without your consent, but I digress. I suppose the developers thought that lolis would sell better than bishoujos.

Other than our strange encounter with the two companions, we're introduced to the battle system of the game.

Here's the typical battle screen. Visually, it's pretty decent. Not anything amazing or polished, but it has good functionality. I actually like how it looks like a less obviously-web rendition of AGG's own battle screen. It's nostalgic!

It's intuitive: you just select your monster and command it to attack. However, Age of Ishtaria adds an interesting twist by changing the mode of damage depending on the order of attack types (Pound, Flurry or Smash). The types of group attacks are determined by the user based on the situation - attacks that are spread out on all enemy units weakly, or attacks that hit single units hard. You can even hire a friend to add to your combo if required. This adds an element of strategy that I think isn't too hard to grasp. So far, it seems like an enjoyable mechanic!

After being led through the battle, we get a bit more story and finally join Salix and Meru on a quest to...save stones or something. I honestly couldn't follow any of the plot I'm sorry... :(

Thank goodness story hardly matters compared to gameplay when it comes to mobile games. 

Finally, the main menu in all it's glory! I like it. Everything's in one place. All the accessible gameplay options are literally in my face unlike that mess of a game called DMT, so I won't get too confused about what direction to take. 

I am very tempted to keep exploring, and I will tomorrow, though right now, it's really late haha and I stretched my time putting out this post. That's all I'm going to do for today then.

Overall, the verdict is: Age of Ishtaria gives off the feel of many TCG predecessors, especially Rage of Bahamut, but it pulls it off with it's own unique style of battle system that sets it apart from the rest. The art has also been very nice. I haven't spotted any abominations yet :P

Whether AoI manages not to fall into common pit traps like pay-to-win or repetitiveness, it's hard to say yet. I can only hope it doesn't.

I will probably talk about this game more very soon! :)

Random: I spotted this whilst I was looking for the banner on top of this post, and I read it as 'Boob(s) Fest' at first, haha
What is wrong with me
And with that, good night, folks~


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