Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Progress, or not?

So I've gone ahead in AoI, clearing the first and second chapters of dungeons. When clearing maps, we earn points to use in purifying particular chapters and making it easier to clear subsequently. They serve as permanent upgrades like increasing ATK or HP for that level.

Strangely, by this point, the entire battle mechanic has already become routine! I don't need to think to execute those combos, and thankfully the game seems to follow some rules of physics eg. the armored monsters have high def, the big monsters are heavy, etc. so strategy shouldn't be too tough to figure out.

What does irk me, however, is the lack of information on possible drops or returns from the dungeons. It would be nice to know so I wouldn't miss out on anything!

Also, one look at the battle mechanic is enough to spot a glaringly obvious flaw. The battle list features all the stats of your opponent's deck! How is that fair? I see people with all wins and no losses and it hardly comes as a surprise as you can just pick and choose your opponents (RIP newbies). To counter this, losses are not logged if you are attacked by someone else, and there isn't any consequence to losing at all. However, I believe AoI has let go of a TCQ-staple PvP opportunity. What's in it's place is an autonomous system with rankings calculated every few hour brackets.

Exploring the other features of the game leads to enhancing, evolving, and limit breaking cards to make them stronger. I was unable to really use the feature because of a lack of cards, which I unsuccessfully attempted to remedy with free summoning packs. Since each bronze or silver summon requires 10 tickets per summon, I literally only had one shot at getting anything after clearing the first chapter of story dungeons. And what did I get? My very (first?) own one star!!

Stupendously disappointed, I proceeded to roll the starter pack with 100 crowns, a form of premium, paid currency in AoI. I didn't really expect anything good but...

Hello beautiful~
Silicon Studio instantly redeems itself by presenting me with a 5 star, Proserpina! Too happy about the rarity to care about her art, she's now in my active team :)
Well, not that her art is bad. In fact I would say her artist did a fantastic job with the detailing, proportions and colouring! It's just not quite my style haha

I actually don't even know how good or bad her stats are.

So, besides getting better cards being quite ridiculously hard in AoI, I guess it's not all bad. I've been told events help out a bunch.

Speaking of which, the current event is an easter egg exchange. Basically you chuck eggs you get as drops from normal dungeons to other people and hope they return some back. If they do, you get an exchange point and a gift per egg, per user, per every hour. Unfortunately I probably started too late in the event to make the most of it. Guess I'll just gear up for the next one!

It's already here!


  1. The next event is a Union v Union event btw. And usually the stats for 5*s are quite similar (some higher attack with lower HP, etc (i think) not much differences) but the thing that makes a huge difference between 5*s are the skills.

    The later maps (I just realized they're called maps!) have more difficult bosses that need strategy to defeat and some forces you to use items and time your burst haha.

  2. Oh and also, although you can see the Atk and HP of other players in Battle, I have lost to someone with 2k lower attack and hp than me before haha. I haven't really figured out the strategy in Battle and why it works that way though.
