Thursday 23 July 2015

A little update

(Before you read on, I apologize for the lack of photos in this post. Also, spoiler alert.)

Hmm so I haven't been posting much lately and by that, I mean, not at all. I guess I'm not someone who can stick to updating something regularly, and it shows in how I play my games too. For that, I really mean that I'm the kind of person who would keep my Neopet healthy and bloated for a few days, then not visit for 3 years before repeating the cycle. Which is why my town (Animal Crossing) is still undeveloped...

Okay well, the main reason why I haven't been posting is because I haven't had much to post about. (Ishtaria isn't very exciting, not getting units you want is very demoralizing and puts you off. TsumTsum is cute but repetitive, not much to post there, except that I'm trying to collect all the Tsums I can. Same goes for LINE Play. Not much comments on Alphabear but ugh it's so hard to get past Chapter 4. Dota is same-old, not much besides the reborn update which is still in beta and I didn't fully explore it yet cuz it's really buggy for me.)

After all that long-winded paragraph on games I have little content to talk about, you must be wondering what content I have for this post.

Basically, Littlebyte has renewed our interest in MapleStory (We play the SEA version). Unfortunately, we haven't had much chance to play together and it's not very nice to overlevel then wait for someone to catch up to you, so I've been playing my main character instead......and I'VE FINALLY REACHED LEVEL 100!! I know it's actually not such a big deal to reach level 100 in the current Maple but it is for me who gets bored grinding, and have more fun playing when I'm creating every (only those that are different (like, you know each Explorer/Resistance/Knight of Cygnus aren't different) in storyline) character trying to read their storyline. Reaching level 100 has been a long journey and I am overjoyed especially as the animations of her new skills aren't disappointing. :')

Continuing on, because I haven't played Maple in so long (last played was around when RED was just released) I noticed a little smartphone icon on top of the lightbulb on the left of the screen. (I don't know if it was already released when I last played, didn't notice it then) I'm not going to write my entire gameplay of it or a walkthrough because I think there are already many good ones out there. (I really liked looking at the art and the chairs from this website) But in this Spin-off/Story/I'mnotsurewhattocallit, I will talk about other stuff that aren't mentioned much.

First, the spin-off is great fun and the storyline is adorable. I always enjoy Maple stories. The art is cute as well, especially Nineheart(!!) looking way better than his original self. It's also nice to see their personalities in a different world and really entertaining. I have to say that my favourite chapter was Hilla and Magnus, and the best part was when I was tasked to "incapacitate" Magnus and went to the front gate. I met the Soccer Club Captain there ("coincidence") and borrowed a 100 soccer balls (which you have to aim at Magnus) in which I failed to incapacitate him and afterwards I received these messages:
Mihile: Huehuehue I saw everything
Eckhart: lolol whatcha' doin
Hawkeye: LOL omg soccer so fun
It's the little touches like this that makes the story so fun, although you have to admit there are quite a few loopholes here and there regarding things you did but were never mentioned again later in the chapter.

I had a few things I was unhappy with in this spin-off though. One that I briefly mentioned, the storyline. Like all Maple storylines, it feels somewhat open-ended and incomplete like when they see "a ghost" in the photo in Cassandra's chapter but yet never mentioned anything more about it and ended it right there which is kind of annoying. Next thing is the vibrating sound from your "smartphone" every time you get a new contact or receive a new message. The first time it happened, it rang and rang and rang and I got so frustrated because I knew it was from my computer and I couldn't find out whether it could be turned off or if it was a part of the background music T.T There are a few other minor things but that's all I shall say for this spin-off.

Besides the Friends spin-off, I wanted to talk about the new character I created to play with my friends, Cannon Shooter. (I'm only up to Gold Beach atm so I may not really be the best guy at this, but I'll talk about my experience so far) Ahh, storyline-wise, the front part is funny when you first open your eyes and talk to the monkey. Didn't record the conversation down but I copied another part out when I talked to the only other person on the island, Cutter. He thought I was a ghost as he was the only human there for years.
You're what now? Alive? Ha, right! I think I would know if... (He pokes you, and jumps in surprise.) Holy smokes, you ARE alive! Ha! Look at that! A person! A live person! Nice to meet you, living person.
There's not much else after that, the job advancement at Level 30 was a piece of cake. Basically, Cannon Shooter is a pretty easy character to play, but...sorta boring. There may be a longer story to it at higher levels but he may just be a regular Explorer like... all Explorers. The animations aren't all great either, just booms and explosions. I mean, what can I expect right? It's a cannon shooter. Monkey Magic (an active to buff stats and stuff) is really pretty though, yellow and sparkly. One of the more interesting skills though, is the Barrel Bomb. It rolls a barrel of bombs, doing low damage on its way and exploding at the end. It's a laugh when I manage to roll it into a huge mob and they all go boom but it's not easy to time/aim as well. It's a fun skill so I do still hold hope for more interesting skills and beautiful animations for the next job advancement.

Gameplay-wise, honestly, CS isn't that interesting either. High defense, the normal monsters around my level are doing 1 dmg to me, so HP is no issue and I only use pots for bosses/elite monsters. Attack is average so I normally need to use MP pots after spamming skills. Mobility-wise, I feel slow when going up but fast when going across. I'm probably too used to playing Mercedes so I would say it's fair that CS moves slowly in the up-down direction at least!

I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll end here for now! Till next time.


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